Conservation of infant playgrounds in Barcelona
Conservation of infant playgrounds in Barcelona
Conservation of infant playgrounds, ludic spaces, gymnastic areas, furniture and signalling of parks and gardens in Barcelona. BATCH 2
The service consists in the conservation of children playgrounds. It also includes the cleaning and maintenance of shock-absorbing surfaces, sandy surfaces and the perimeter fencing.
This service includes a preventive and corrective maintenance of the facilities, assuring a high security level for its users, maintaining a fun and aesthetic sense to its structure.
Three site visits of all the facilities to detect any anomaly for its repair.
Quarterly review of the functioning of the different games and maintenance of the mobile parts, anchoring’s, gears, ropes, and nuts and bolts.
Annual full review of the games, exhaustive revision of all the structures.
Annual painting of 40% of the structures and cleaning of graffiti’s.
Maintenance of the playground shock-absorbing surface and sandboxes.
Repair, urgent actions and rejuvenation of the games.
Certification of the areas and analysis of the sandboxes.