Comprehensive maintenance service and cleaning
Comprehensive maintenance service and cleaning
Comprehensive maintenance service and cleaning of the premises for the "Municipal School of Art Leandre Cristòfol ", in Lleida.
Operation and maintenance services, maintenance and repair services for equipment and facilities, and general cleaning services.
Annual maintenance and conservation service of the building. Preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance of electrical installations, mechanical and safety systems,
as well as housekeeping the Municipal Art School Leandre Cristòfol in Lleida. Management and monitoring of incidents through CMMS software application.
Technical data
Maintenance and conservation: Conservation maintenance of buildings.
Maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities: Maintenance and repair of equipment, electrical and electronic installations.
Maintenance and repair of plumbing, water and gas conductions.
Maintenance and repair of heating and air conditioning equipment.
Maintenance and repair of security and fire protection.
General Services: general cleaning.
Technology, information and communication services: Maintenance and repair of computer and telecommunication equipment and facilities.
Maintenance: Qualified staff. Auxiliary means.
Cleaning services: Qualified staff. Auxiliary means.