Maintenance and conservation of palm trees and other trees in public areas in Badalona

Maintenance and conservation of palm trees and other trees in public areas in Badalona

The service consists of the maintenance and conservation of all trees and palm trees in public areas in Badalona. It also includes trees and palm trees in Montigalà, G5, Escorxadora and Plaza Pompeu Fabra parks and in sports areas. It includes the supply of the material and human resources required to carry out all the maintenance and conservation work on these elements.

Municipal Government of Badalona
Start: July 2021 Duration: 4 years (+1 year)
Type of service:
Maintenance of green spaces
Units of trees and palm tress to be maintained: 33,319 
  • Periodic inspections of all elements to be maintained. 
  • Pruning of any kind on plant elements to be maintained. 
  • Manual and automatic watering.
  • Phytosanitary control
  • Removal of bird’s nests that are considered unstable or dangerous, as well as the removal of any items trapped in the canopy or trunk of a tree or palm tree. 
  • Maintenance of tree surrounds and spaces between tree surrounds.
  • Transplanting.
  • Maintenance and repair of tree irrigation networks. 
  • Felling and removal of dead, dangerous or insecure trees and palm trees.
  • Planting and supply of trees and palm trees.
