WWTP Gavà-Viladecans
WWTP Gavà-Viladecans
Substitution of the Archimedes screw pumps in the WWTP Gavà-Viladecans and the pumping station in Zona Franca (Barcelona).
Dismantling of the installed screws. Design, manufacture and assembly of 6 Archimedes screws, including civil work of the river-bed.
COUTEX was awardee of the total substitution, turnkey, of the Archimedes screws in the plant Gavà-Viladecans and the lifting station in Zona Franca. The existing screws were dismantled and scrapped according to the tender conditions. The Archimedes screws were supplied along with the couplings of type MTV for vertical assembly, as well as the inner support of the screws, upper bearings, retainers and joints.
The whole civil work was done to ensure the correct fitting with the river-bed to achieve a maximum efficiency. The assembly includes all electric and mechanical works, as well as the cranes.
Technical data
Archimedes screw pumps WWTP Gavà-Viladecans
4 units.
Flow: 900 l/s.
Outer diameter: 1.700mm.
Path: 1.700mm.
No. of accesses: 3.
Speed: 37,1rpm.
Engine power: 92 kW.
Archimedes screw pumps, pumping station Zona Franca
2 units.
Flow: 2.000 l/s.
Outer diameter: 2.600mm.
Path: 2.210mm.
No. of accesses: 3.
Speed: 29,5 rpm.
Engine power: 162 kW.