Construction and refurbishment of raw water collector, tanks, and pumping stations in Transylvania, Romania

Construction and refurbishment of raw water collector, tanks, and pumping stations in Transylvania, Romania

The project consisted of the replacement of 1,100 m of 1,000 mm diameter pipeline with a fiberglass reinforced polyester pipeline of the same diameter. Tanks and pumping stations have been refurbished for three large cities: Hunedoara, Haţeg, and Călan, in the Hunedoara Region of Romania.

Apa Prov Deva S.A.
The rest of Europe
Marzo 2014 – julio 2016
Type of work:
Hydraulic Infrastructures
5.100.000 € (IVA excluido)

Two 500 m3 potable water tanks in the municipality of Sanpetru were refurbished, as well as two 5,000 m3 tanks in Ciuperca, and two 2,500 m2 tanks and two 1,500 m3 tanks in Chizid, all in the city of Hunedoara.
Two 500 m3 potable water tanks and one 1,000 m3 tank were rehabilitated in the city of Haţeg. Two new 750 m3 tanks have been built in the city of Călan. Three water pumping stations were also constructed in Hunedoara and two more in Haţeg, in addition to two chlorination stations for the Haţeg and Călan tanks.

All activities in the refurbished tanks were carried out without service cuts. Considering that most are dual storage systems (two interconnected tanks with a valve chamber), work was carried out by isolating one of them to perform refurbishment while the other remained connected to the network.

The scope included structural refurbishment, weatherproofing, replacement of all boilers for the valve chamber and pumping stations with stainless steel piping. All valves were replaced and a SCADA system, which collects information from all the tanks, was implemented, and all of the exterior infrastructure of the storage complexes was refurbished.

