High-performance designer paving. Firflex is a new finishing system for wearing courses that permits new designs to be reproduced and adapted to the existing paving. The finish may look like any other sort of paving but the mechanic properties are those of an asphalt wearing course.
Firflex is a new finishing system for wearing courses, consisting of a methyl methacrylate monomer resin base and very hard natural aggregates in different grain sizes and colours. The resin base is applied to the asphalt and the chosen finish is applied on top: continuous, in-place or in pre-shaped sections. This finishing system provides much higher non-slip properties than asphalt.
It is a high-performance surface treatment consisting of an elastic binding resin. The material is designed to produce flexible cladding, resistant to both wear and stress caused by traffic.
It is used as an outdoor wearing course when exposed to high mechanical stresses and sharp temperature changes.
The resin and the asphalt agglomerate base combined with natural aggregates withstands all types of traffic.
Firflex is used to decorate, restore and improve surfaces.
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