Video viewer server.
ONSAFE VVW constitutes a powerful, compact alternative to traditional videowall controllers at a much lower cost and with better video viewing features. It is a product aimed at control and monitoring centres, that provides some unprecedented features to simultaneous viewing of video streams in groups of monitors that operate as a sole virtual viewing unit. It provides full liberty to distribute the images and sizes, easily adapting to specific requisites.
Support for multiple monitors (up to 24).
Division of the monitor area in regions with independent management, or as a sole region. Multiple cells in each region, not limited to one monitor.
The cells may show a camera, a sequence of cameras, or screens from other computers (by video capture or VNC).
Support for video compression algorithms H264, MPEG4 and MPEG2.
Support from multi-manufacturer IP cameras, megapixel and ONVIF protocol.
Manageable from the clients application ONSAFE CS+, from security keyboard-joystick or from third party applications.
Viewing up to 140 D1@25ips cameras simultaneous.
SDK for available integration
Technical data
Integrated architecture
ONSAFE VVW forms part of the digital video management and is integrated in the Virtual Video Matrix (VVM). It is operated from the ONSAFE CS+ client from keyboards / joystick supported and from third party applications.
ONSAFE VVW consists of two parts, a web server module for configuration and another module that manages the actual videowall operation . The latter module executes the switching orders it receives and it takes charge of decoding the video flows and their viewing on the monitors.
ONSAFE VVW allows parameterisation of the sectors viewed with absolute freedom, for which the following items are used:
Region: Viewing area that may range from a part of a monitor to several monitors. When there is more than region, these occupy the whole monitor area without being overlapped.
Cell: Zone in the region were a video source is viewed, sequence of sources or screens with other applications.
Layout (staff): Distribution of cells in a region. Multiple layouts may be configured that are manually activated by the operator or automatically according to events.
Easy configuration
It is performed remotely by browser, that allows the regions to be located on the system monitors and define the layouts for their operation. The layouts may have any distribution of cells, and may define their aspect for each cell, opacity and situation of the text labels.
Intuitive operation
The operators have a simple and intuitive operating interface. First they select the ONSAFE VVW module they wish to work with (if there are various) and activate an operating layout. Then, they may send cameras or sequences of cameras to the cells individually or in groups. The system offers the users and applications all the features available in the Virtual Video Matrix.