Control console
Control console
Technical description of operating furniture for 24x7 control centres.
Design of the control console is performed using sheet steel of 2 and 3 mm thick for the actual structural part (sides and central structure), aluminium 2 mm thick for the part of the monitor bridge and the front ornamental plate, with a high density compact of 18 mm and 6 mm thick, on the work surface, the side and the doors for access to the interior.
The tooling process used is laser cutting, folding, welding and furnace painting for steel elements, cutting by tooling centre and furnace lacquer for the aluminium elements and cutting by tooling centre, polishing and application of protective oil for the high density compact elements.
The console has a space enabled to perform the power connections, data, telephone, etc... of the elements that need this and auxiliary elements that shall comprise the control system. These elements are located within the interior zone of the central structure and integrated within a closed channel.
Including a folding door on the front part of the console, it allows easy access to this space to be able to perform the maintenance tasks, even with the console in operating states.
Likewise, the side feet of the console have an internal space that allows passage of all the necessary electric cables in a hidden, orderly manner, that allow access to and handling their interior by means of side doors integrated inside the actual side panels.
The work surface has a space enabled to be able to lead all the cables from the top of the console toward the interior in an orderly manner, achieving a semi-hidden organisation of these. The same surface integrates an office computing surface at user level in the top part for the operator to be able to comfortably make punctual connections.
The viewing monitors are hold by multi-position ergonomic arms fixed on the monitor bridge. This includes a guide system, allowing the monitors to be set at any position along their length, as needed, either by operator requirement, as well as possible extensions of the existing configurations.
It also has a blue perimeter illumination system enabled in the exterior zone of the sides of the console, that shall perform an aesthetic function, but at the same time delimiting the space occupied by the control console.
Optionally, the side faces of the console may be tooled with the corporate anagram requested, that space including a white opal Perspex space. That anagram is back-lighted to provide an aesthetic function overall.
The control console is designed so it is able to acquire any shape or configuration depending on the client needs or specifications, as well as to be able to include any kind of closed compartment accessory in the equipment, drawer compartments or PC rests.
The console design has been performed complying with the main present standards of ergonomics.
Spanish standard UNE-EN 527-1 (December 2011) on office furniture, work tables and desks.
Spanish standard UNE-EN ISO 11064-4 (February 2005) ergonomic design of control and distribution centres and sizes of the work stations.
Spanish standard UNE-EN ISO 9241-5 (September 1999) ergonomic requisites for office work with data viewing screens (PVD), conception of the work post and postural demands.
Likewise, the actual elements that configure the console, as well as all the accessories and complements that form or may form part thereof fulfil all the international level quality regulations and certificates.