Closed compartment for documentation and archiving
Closed compartment for documentation and archiving
Technical description of the closed compartment for documentation and archiving.
The compartment design is performed using high density compact phenolic material 12 mm thick and steel extraction rails.
The tooling process used is cutting by tooling centre, polishing and application of protective oil.
The compartment has a draw extraction system using full opening steel guides and buffered closing system.
The compartments may be configured at any height and depth, offering a major versatility for integration in the actual control furniture, being used as a complement including mobile wheel systems, or being adapted to perform archiving tasks.
The system used to manufacture the compartment complies with standards UNE EN 14749:06, UNE 56841:01 and UNE 11016:89, satisfactorily fulfilling the trials to resist concentrated loads and cyclical drawer opening and closing.