Public tree maintenance in Mollet del Vallès

Public tree maintenance in Mollet del Vallès

The service consists of the maintenance of public trees on streets and squares and municipal facilities in Mollet del Vallès. The works guarantee the correct conservation of the trees, control their dimensions and ensure that they cause minimum disturbance and interference to the public, buildings and public services.

Mollet del Vallès Town Council
February 2020 Duration: 3 years (+1 year)
Type of service:
Woodland management

The following operations are carried out for the provision of the service:
- Computerised maintenance management.
- Conserving and updating the inventory of public trees.
- Tree pruning.

- Felling and stump removal of specimens indicated by the Municipal Technical Services (MTS) for technical reasons.
- Tree planting.
- Irrigation by lorry, both for newly planted trees and those previously planted.


Technical data

Predicted annual measurement 
Pruning and felling:
2,600 units
Stump removal:
100 units
Bucket irrigation:
6,000 units
Tree planting:
150 units
Predicted extraordinary works: 
265 units
