Water engineering


Water engineering

We develop hydraulic studies and projects and we have contracts for the maintenance and operation of infrastructures linked to the water cycle.

Services include catchment, purification and desalination, distribution discharge, wastewater treatment and reuse, chlorination and chemical disinfection, among others. Our geographic coverage has allowed us to undertake projects throughout the Spanish territory. The companies Acsa, Obras e Infraestructuras and Lasaosa develop this activity.

More than five decades of experience in water treatments.

Engineering and design for each project.

Operating more than 50 water facilities.



Two-phase expansion of the La Llagosta WWTP and maintenance of the sanitation system
see more
Maintenance of wastewater treatment plants in 14 towns in La Cerdanya
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Managing wastewater treatment plants in the province of Tarragona
see more

We help you to make your project come true

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