Managing wastewater treatment plants in the province of Tarragona

Managing wastewater treatment plants in the province of Tarragona

Operating and maintaining the Torredembarra and Pla de Santa Maria sewerage systems

Agència Catalana de l’Aigua
2022-2025 +1
Type of work:
Operation and maintenance
5.726.322,99 € Operation and Maintenance
UTE Acsa and Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo (DAM)

The works included under this contract comply with Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban wastewater treatment and RD 509/1996, establishing urban wastewater treatment standards. 

The operation and maintenance of the treatment facilities cover an annual total of 3,230,250 m3

Operating strategies focus on providing facilities with tools for maximum treatment performance and energy efficiency, while facility and process maintenance and repair are performed for ensuring smooth continuous operation. 

Torredembarra Sewerage System 

This sewerage system collects wastewater from the urban centres of Roda de Bara, Creixell and Torredembarra through the use of six pumping stations and 16 km of upstream pipe network

The sewerage network includes two sea outfalls for the emergency evacuation of rainwater discharges during heavy rainfall events. 

The WWTP treats 8,400 m3 of wastewater daily through two treatment lines, each made up of a primary decanter 24 m in diameter, a 3,350 m3 bioreactor, and a 22 m secondary decanter. 

The water treated is discharged into the sea through a 5 km sea outfall. The sludge line consists of two sludge thickeners and two centrifugal dewatering systems. 

El Pla de Santa Maria System 

The El Pla de Santa Maria WWTP treats 450 m3 of wastewater daily, which is transported to the plant via a 2.8 km gravity pipeline. The system consists of a dual activated sludge bioreactor line with a nutrient removal capacity of 745 m3, two secondary settlers, a dynamic sludge thickener, and dewatering. 


Technical data

WWTP Facilities: 2 

WWPS Facilities: 2

Total treatment flow: 8,850 m3/day 

Contract staff: 11  

Sea outfalls: 3 

Sewerage network: 18.8 km 

