Improvement of the open space embankment on Avenida de Catalunya in Igualada
Improvement of the open space embankment on Avenida de Catalunya in Igualada
This project, managed by Batlle i Roig Architects on Av. de Catalunya in Igualada, seeks to improve a large open-air space located near the center of the city of Igualada, for the hosting of large-scale recreational and cultural activities . This project is part of a more extensive plan to create a new park in Igualada, the city’s largest.
The aim of the project is to create a rest area, both for spectators of the European Balloon Festival and for local citizens who will use the park every day. A second aim is to promote biodiversity and to intelligently manage bodies of water in the city.
For this reason, the project promotes a healthy urban environment not only for people, but also for the variety of local natural ecosystems, by promoting the presence of plant life and the introduction of animal life in the city.
The focal point of the project is a slope covering about 0.6 hectares, which separates the grassy area from the industrial zone.
The main elements of the project are:
- Terraced steps formed with wooden crossties to address the slope between the industrial parcel and the grassy area.
- A bird garden at the upper boundary of the project, preserving the existing trees and enhancing the area by planting new evergreen trees to close off the industrial zone and form a natural boundary against it.
- A raised wooden walkway will pass through the whole area, connecting Itàlia and França streets
- A butterfly garden next to the wooden walkway.
Technical data
Wooden crosstie steps
4-terrace, 270 meter system
For more than 1000 people
Stabilized earth pavement
Raised wooden walkway
Minimum width: 1.8 m
64.34 m2
New plantings
Shrubbery species
Lavandula dentata
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Gaura lindheimeri
Rosmarinus officinalis
Verbena sp
Sedum acre
Forsythia intermedia
Euryops pectinatus
Tree species
Populus alba ‘nivea’
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Albizia julibrissin
Celtis australis
Prunus serrulata ‘Kanzan’
Acer saccharinum
Cupressucyparis leylandii
Prunus dulcis