Cleaning and waste collection and removal services for the Mercavallés district market
Cleaning and waste collection and removal services for the Mercavallés district market
Cleaning and waste collection and removal services for the Mercavallés fruit, vegetable and food market, both inside and out, within the area of influence of the perimeter fence.
The service consists of full cleaning, as well as collection and management of wastes generated at Mercavallés. Interior cleaning includes all common use areas, passageways, access ramps, toilets, farmer booths, offices, etc., and exterior areas such as roadways and parking, docks, waste pick-up point, garden areas, the perimeter fence and adjacent roadways.
Proper containers are provided and all waste types generated are collected, especially scrap, organic material, plastic or cardboard boxes, and pallets, and these are taken to waste management companies authorized by the Catalan Waste Agency (Agència de Residus de Catalunya).
Technical data
Scope of service
- Waste transport.
- Interior cleaning of facilities.
- Exterior cleaning.
- Care of garden area.
- Cleaning of zones of influence.
- Provision of required containers.
- Maintenance of waste pick-up point.
- Facilities maintenance.
- Special cleaning tasks.
Resources for performing service
Human resources:
- 2 drivers.
- 4 service operators.
Material resources:
- hooklift truck.
- 1 rear-loading collector truck.
- 5, 7, and 12 m³ metal containers.
- 20 m3 metal containers.
- Self-compacting containers.
- 120 and 240 liter containers.
- 1 sweeper.
- 1 scrubber.
- 1 string trimmer.
- Cleaning tools and materials.
Wastes collected
- Scrap produce.
- Organic material.
- Cardboard.
- Plastic boxes.
- Pallets.
- Others.