Gravel (T-5/10)
Gravel (T-5/10)
Aggregates for high-performance bitumen mixes CPA≥55.
Artificial aggregates
Material location:
Bituminous mixture aggregate
Formatos de venta:
Big bag, Bulk
Porphyritic aggregates are noteworthy for having very special physical and mechanical properties that make them extremely valuable for use in wearing courses in road building.
Their fragmentation resistance values (LA<14), high accelerated polish value (PV>55) and sideways friction coefficient (SFC) make porphyritic aggregates ideal for ensuring enhanced safety levels on roads due to the increased grip between tyre and road surface, thus reducing the risk of accident.
The wearing course is one of the most delicate aspects in surface design, in both new and rehabilitated roads. The wearing course is largely responsible for providing safety and comfort to users.